Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Some new gear for my new year!

My birthday was this last friday, and it was a biking birthday. Since this has become my new passion, it was no surprise that most of my presents were biking related. Let's do a quick update on what is new to my bike.
This is my new bike seat, courtesy of my in-laws. It's nicer to my bum that my last seat. I enjoy the long rides a lot more now! Thanks Alan and Leslie!
This is a picture of what my new pedals look like, courtesy of my parents. Thanks mom and dad! I went for my first ride with them this morning, and I loved it!

This is a picture of my new biking shoes that go along with my new clipless pedals. They're stiff, light and keep the airflow going. Thanks to mom and dad again!

I also got a new jersey with some of the b-day money I got. I like it a lot! If you can read it, it says "Mad Dog Cycles" on it. Mad Dogs is where I get all of my gear... everything I have comes from there. My mom even ordered my pedals and shoes from there. The bike shop is only two blocks from our house, so it is super convenient too! Tim, one of the Managers there even gave me 20% off the jersey. He hooks me up. Thanks Tim!
Bridget also got me some new bike shorts, as you can see me wearing in this picture. They're super padded in the saddle area, and VERY comfortable. They make a huge difference in how comfortable my ride is! Thanks Bridgie!

I went for a ride with all of my new gear this morning and had a great ride. I just went to Vivian Park and back, but despite how short the ride was, I noticed a difference in how comfortable my ride was. The pedals and shoes definitely transfer more power to the road. I love my new set up! Thanks family and friends for your great gifts!

Miles logged with my new gear: 22.8


  1. Keep it real dogg. You kick that road's ass...phalt! ;)

  2. I was just about to say..........WHAT!!! Dale!!!! Then I read the rest - - -not funny.
    Glad you like your new gear, Dane. :)

  3. you're quite the pro now. Also, I love mad dog cycles. its one of my favorite businesses in provo

  4. Dude Dale, I that was a little shady... he he.

    I am glad you have a completely color-coordinated getup now, Dane. Love you!

  5. dude you got some sweet new gear. mad dog is awesome too :)
