Saturday, May 30, 2009

Early morning ride with Frank

On Friday night, I got a text from a buddy of mine, Frank Pyle, asking me if I wanted to go for a bike ride. I have been lucky enough to have a ton of friends who like to go riding. These guys are not lazy riders either. These guys are willing to go out and get tired and have a great time.
I met Frank through my bro-in-law, Ben Woods. They're close buddies, and in turn, Frank has a great relationship with the Layton family (my in-laws). A while back, we found out that we're both into road biking, so we've gone a couple times together now. We set the time for 8 a.m. to head out this morning. We did "the usual" which is just from my place to Vivian Park and back, and we had a great morning to do it. Another amazing, cloudless and comfortable morning. Since it was a Saturday morning, it was a lot busier than I am used to. There was some sort of run/race going on on the Provo River Trail, but it didn't bother us too much.

Here I am at Vivian Park. I know...the bike and the jersey clash. :( Boo Utes!

Frank and I had some good talks. He mentioned that he was doing some intense relay race/run next month with a bunch of buddies. It goes from Logan, Ut to Park City, Ut. There are 12 legs, and he is doing some pretty intense training for it. This got us talking, and he brought up a race called the LOTOJA Classic. It goes from Logan, Ut to Jackson,Wy...thus the name. Check it out here. The course in 206 miles, and has some pretty decent vertical. It would deffinitely be something to start getting in shape for NOW. This would not be for the faint of heart. You have to finish before dark to finish. Sounds pretty hardcore.We'll have to see where my summer riding takes me.
All in all, Frank and I had a satisfying ride. We enjoyed ourselves, and plan on going for a ride every saturday morning together.

Here we are t the end of the ride. My goal is to be as tan and buff as Frank...

Miles enjoyed: 22.8

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Story: Thursday May 28th

So, I already have several other blogs that I post on, but the other day I was on one of my many bike rides and thought to myself "you should be recording the wonderful experiences you have on this bike". So, here I am blogging about my biking adventures.
 Did I ever think I would be one of those "blogger types"? No. But I think this would be a good way to keep a sort of journal. Also, as I get more and more into aviation, I feel a need to have something else define my life. I love my wife, I love flying, I love christian spirituality, and I have recently come to love road biking. I plan on taking my camera with me to snap some pictures of what I see and experience. I think this will make my rides even more enjoyable. 
Let's get started with today! May 28th. I always go for a "long ride" on tuesdays and thursdays... and sometimes saturdays. Last night, a friend from church, Chris, gave me a call and wanted to know if I wanted to go for a ride this morning. Of course! I love having someone to share the ride with. Chris has recently gotten into riding also. He is working his way up the conditioning ladder, and doing well. We left my place at 9:00 a.m. and headed for Provo Canyon. It was a beautiful morning! There is just something special about Utah mornings in late spring! Maybe 65 degrees, clear blue skies, and plenty of sunshine and mountain air... hard to beat.
We made our way toward the canyon via a residential route... less traffic and less crap on the road.  We frequent the Provo River Trail, and today was just the same. The trail is great for riding. Usually not too many people on it in the morning and even cooler air because of the river. Along the trail you're treated to great views of Mt. Timpanogos, the Provo River and Bridal Veil falls. Chris just went for a ride yesterday, so he was feeling a bit tired, but I kept him going. I had plans for him... he had no idea what he was in for. 
From my house to the end of the Provo river trail at Vivian Park is about 11 miles. Not bad, but there are not to many hills or big challenges. When I have the energy and the weather is nice, I like to continue on up the South Fork road. It is a side road off of the Provo Canyon road, and has plenty of vertical. There are very few cars, and a descent amount of road and mountain bikers. Best of all, it is gorgeous. On the ride down there are plenty of vistas of Mt. Timpanogos. There is a stream that follows the road the entire way up. All in all, it's an additional 5 or so miles to the top from Vivian Park, but a descent 5 miles. 
Chris and I got to Vivian and I was feeling great. I wanted to go up so bad, but I knew Chris was feeling it from the ride. It wasn't hard to convince him to go though. He shares the same love and appreciation of nature that I do, so I told him he's love the scenery. Right before we started up, a man that looked to be about 30 rode by on a really nice bike ( A Specialized Tarmac Comp. for those who know bikes). He didn't have a helmet on, so that caught me eye. I saw him tear up the road and thought it would be fun to try to catch up to him. I didn't really think about it after that though. 
We had a great ride up. No wind, abundant sunshine and some wildlife. Chris struggled up some of the hills, but did great! I was impressed. He will be tearing up the road in no time! We got to the end, which is a gate into a Girl's Camp, and the dude with the nice bike and no helmet was there taking a rest and fiddling with his bike. I said hello and we got to talking. I told him that I was in the Aviation Program at Utah Valley University. He told me that he was a Captain for Skywest Airlines, and that he had done his flight schooling at UVU back when it was UVSC. We carried on for 20 minutes or so and he ended up giving me his name and phone number in case I ever had questions. I thought of how awesome it is that I could go for a ride and meet some random guy at the end of an obscure road that is living the dream I hope to live. In a way, I feel it is reinforcement from God that I am on the right path. 
On a bike ride you get a lot of time to reflect. On the way home I thought a lot about some of the things he said. He is not married, but said that there will be a lot of sacrifices in my beginning years in the regional airlines. He said I would need a supportive wife considering the hours, being gone on holidays, and having really low starting pay (most likely somewhere around $18,000-$22,000 my first year). I feel blessed to have a wife that fits the mold of "supportive". She works hard, and has amazing faith. She'll be just what I'll need during those times. 
The ride home was almost all down hill, and we made good time. I think I topped out at 38.6 MPH at one point... common for a steeper downhill ride. Definitely one of the best rides I have been on.
More stories to come. Be on the look out for pictures too!

Miles logged today: 31.6